Getting past our past is not easy. Thoughts, memories, songs, life signpost, reminders of where I once was. All of these make it very hard to move on, hard to stay focused on what is NOW. In order to flow with the Spirit’s flow we cannot allow the baggage of our past come into the NOW. The past, easy and difficult, will only cloud our sight and disable us from our gaining the most of the present. This is not to deny that the former events happened but it is not allowing those events to define or control who I am or who I am becoming. We are not our past, our thoughts, or what others say we are. We just are. Beings created in the image and likeness of the Spirit to one day be just like Him.
Allowing ourselves to live outside of our past is a challenge but something that we must do to live in constant flow. The Spirit wants to take us into uncharted waters. Places we have not even imagined but so desired to be. To do so we must get past our past. We must divorce ourselves from all that is behind and press on into life with Him.
How do we get past our past?
Getting past our past is not easy. It requires courage and an acceptance of what is. If we resist our past, our past continues to have control of us. To surrender to our past allows us to emotionally grow and to also move into our future without being hindered. Comments????