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Life in the Spirit


Updated: Nov 21, 2024

Living a life that is lead by the Spirit is an exciting and fulfilling adventure. The Holy Spirit only leads us into places that are beneficial to our lives. He/she knows who we are and what we need for lives that are satisfying and purposeful. The Spirit leads us by intuition, an inner voice, other people, pictures, music, and by many other means. It is our responsibility to open ourselves to the Spirit's leading and to trust the Spirit enough to follow. This requires time spent learning the Spirit's ways and also learning to recognize the Spirit's voice. The result is a life that is meaningful, and that draws people to us who are also hungry for a life in the Spirit.

I recently was moved to retire. I had a position that I loved and actually was not going to retire from. Retirement was a loooong distance away or at least that is what I thought. The position came to an end and my administrators wanted me to do something else and it was then that I began to be drawn to retire. The Spirit drew me into a life of certain-uncertainty. A place where the Spirit knew but I did not. I followed the draw of the Spirit not knowing what I was going to make nor what I was going to do. The only orders were to relax. As I have relaxed I have witnessed an unfolding of my future. A life completely led by the Spirit.

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